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4.0 ( 8880 ratings )
Utvecklare: Francisco Lara Ruiz

MedicMeter (Sanitometro) is a free app for iPhone and iPad, available in Spanish and English, simple and intuitive, and packing two functions: MedicMeter and Restocking List. Although it has been designed as a resource to support Emergency Health Technicians, it is useful for anyone.

The app integrates two environments:

• MEDICMETER: To keep under control the Expiry dates of Medicines and Health Products.
• RESTOCKING LIST: To keep updated the products Restocking List, prioritized and always at hand.


Organizes the list of Medicines and Health Products according to their expiry date, and showing the number of days remaining until that date. A color code allows you to see, at a glance, if the expiry date has already been exceeded or how close is that date. Allows you to share the list of products and to activate notification alerts if there are products about to expire.

— To add a product: Tap + and write its name, the Expiry date and the quantity in stock. Select the type of product, and add a note if you wish.
— Product details: It shows the name, product type, stock and days left until its Expiry date. Date, days left and background color points out if the product has already expired (red). Or if it will expire in the next 30 days (orange), between 1 and 3 months (brown), between 3 and 6 months (green), between 6 and 12 months (blue), between 1 and 2 years (purple) or after more than 2 years (grey).
— To edit the details of a product: Tap on the product.
— To remove a product from the list: Tap Edit or swipe the product card to the left, and press Delete.
— To sort the list by Date, Product type or Name: Tap on the Menu and choose one of the options. By default, the list is sorted by Expiry Date.
— To add a product to the Restocking List, from the MedicMeter: Swipe that product card to the right, touch Restock, and that product will be automatically added to the Restocking List.
— To duplicate a product that you already have in the MedicMeter: Just swipe the card of that product to the right, touch Duplicate and its card will be duplicated. Touch the duplicated card and edit the details of that new product.
— To activate Notifications: Tap the Menu and choose whether you want to activate or deactivate notifications. With Notifications on, at 8:00 in the morning a Products near expiry alert will appear in the event that there are less than 4 days left before the Expiry date of any on them.
— To share the list: Tap on the Menu icon and select To share. And choose to do it by email or by message.


This second function allows you to keep the list of products to be restocked always updated, prioritized and at hand. And to share it by email or message.

— To add to the list: Tap + and write the product name. Add a note, if you wish. And choose an icon for the product type, which will be used to sort the list by Product type.
— Do I need it right away?: Tap on one of the three buttons, depending on the restocking priority: High priority (dark blue), medium (blue), low (light blue).
— To edit the details of any product: Just tap on the product.
— To remove a product from the list: Tap Edit or swipe the product card to the left, and press Delete’.
— To mark the products already restocked: Swipe with your finger the product card in the Restocking List to the right, and a blue validation icon will appear with a question mark; touch it and the Already restocked mark will appear in the blue circle of that product.
— To remove from the list the products marked as Already restocked’: Just tap on the Menu icon and choose Remove the already restocked.
— To sort the list by Priority or by ‘Product type: Tap on the Menu icon and choose one option. Initially, the list is sorted by Priority. By ‘Product type, the list is sorted by product category.
— To share the list: Tap on the Menu icon and select To share. And choose the way to do it, by email or message.